Vanadurgi Agarwood India Limited is closely associated with the wild tree hunters, farmers and grower assostions of the north eastern states. The company has established a strong wild natural Agarwood sourcing network in the Assam, Nagaland, Mizoram, Tripura and Meghalaya states of Northeast India, where we have set up primary processing units in collaboration with our associates. Our company is engaged in the purchase of Agarwood trees from the natural trees hunters where in trees are sourced from the Tea estates and Home gardens. Such Agarwood logs from suppliers are segregated at our associated facility into chips and extraction grade depending on resin content in the material. All these products are purchased by Vanadurgi for realistic price, providing helping hand for farmers and suppliers.
Vanadurgi has installed traditional Oud oil extraction factories are set up in the upper Assam region and the adjoining states in association with our partners. In such processing units Chips are curved and wood quantise with less resin content are further processed in to oil. New systems has been implemented in agar oil production units. Steam distillation or hydro distillation is followed depending on the product requirement of customers. Agar Boya or Agar wax is extracted from the non-infected white wood. We have set up 500 kg to 1000 kg capacity units at some of our primary processing factories. We focus on each and every step as right from harvesting to processing to get maximum oil content. All these collective efforts leading to the production of best quality wild wood Chips.