A national Agarwood seminar was held on March 10 and 11, 2015 at the Jorhat Rain Forest Research Institute, Assam, on Agarwood research in India. Forest scientists and businessmen participated in the event. The conference was discussed as the latest development in the Agar industry, innovative experimentation and working together. Shri Dharmendra of Vanadurgi Agarwood India Limited was present to discuss Agarwood agriculture and industry in South India.
Dr. Parameshwar Gogai, Senior Scientist, inaugurated the program and said, there are many types of research on agar around the world is going on. The Indian Agarwood Research Center is also involved in research on agar agriculture inoculation and processing. He said that most of the new technology was successful. Dr. N. S. Bishtha talked and said Agarwood is a very valuable plant. Growing up as an industry that thrives on the economy. In recent years, most of the plantations will have jobs in the next few days to create jobs locally, socially and economically is about to thrive. Even more successful is the discovery of agricultural technology that makes quality artificial inoculation. He said the convention will provide a wide range of opportunities for all processing and distributor companies.

Speaking to event organizing secretary Dr Rajeev KR Bohra, European perfume companies are buying Agarwood’s original oil to produce high quality ‘scents’. Also used in the manufacture of pharmaceutical products. Therefore, the demand for quality of agarwood is high and the price is high and this will give growers more income. He said agar growers are growing in interest.
Mr. Dharmendra of Vanadurgi Agarwood said: “In South India, the company is conducting agar cultivation in a disciplined manner in association with farmers. The idea is to build a modern agar processing plant to strengthen the market. He said he had been in touch with various companies to develop the technology and already experts and universities have come forward to collaborate with the company.
Speaking to event organizing secretary Dr Rajeev KR Bohra, European perfume companies are buying Agarwood’s original oil to produce high quality ‘scents’. Also used in the manufacture of pharmaceutical products. Therefore, the demand for quality of agarwood is high and the price is high and this will give growers more income. He said agar growers are growing in interest.
Mr. Dharmendra of Vanadurgi Agarwood said: “In South India, the company is conducting agar cultivation in a disciplined manner in association with farmers. The idea is to build a modern agar processing plant to strengthen the market. He said he had been in touch with various companies to develop the technology and already experts and universities have come forward to collaborate with the company.